Works closely with the School District.
The student population of the School Districts of Palm Beach and Broward Counties is incredibly diverse, comprised of students of many nationalities and backgrounds.
Hispanic students make up a significant portion of the District, which is why the District works closely with the Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce to ensure that students and their families receive information published by the District and that their parents fully understand the content.
Established in 2005 and fueled by a group of professional volunteers, the Chamber works closely with local Hispanic and non-Hispanic members of the educational, cultural and business community.
“Since our inception, our mission has been to educate, market and unite small and large businesses within our Hispanic community,” said Santos Arroyo, Founder and CEO of the Chamber. “We always remember the three principles of our organizational philosophy; community, culture and commerce”.
Supporting that effort is La Guia News, a County Spanish-language newspaper that uses its social media channels to spread information about the District, as well as its print newspaper that is distributed free of charge at various El Bodegon supermarkets, restaurants, and businesses throughout the County.
“Our commitment at the Chamber of Commerce involves the entire community, regardless of a resident’s origin,” said Juan J. Pagan, President of the Chamber. “Our membership is currently represented by people from more than 20 countries in Latin America, as well as the Caribbean, the United States and others.”
Each year the Chamber hosts the Hispanic Heritage Awards Celebration to recognize high school seniors, a Hispanic teacher and a Hispanic businessman.